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File: 1616244830699.jpg -(285270 B, 1242x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
285270 No.429  

Let's put all otter physics debate into one thread

>> No.430  

Definition of "Otter"
An otter is:

  • Vertebrate
  • Very hairy
  • Cool
  • Cute
  • Cheeky
  • Clever
  • Long
  • Sometimes wet
  • Hungry
  • Strong
  • A type of weasel

An otter is not:

  • Cucked
>> No.431  

What is Otter Space?
Otter space is a space where at least 1 otter exists, or may potentially exist. Otter space is an extension of the otter while the otter is also an element of the overall space. Several otter spaces may intersect with each other, and an otter space may also be shared by several otters. This occurs when an otter family lives together occupying one space, or when two otters encounter each other either for mating purposes or as part of a rivalry.

Several characteristics of a given space make it more likely to become an otter space. These include:

  • Absence of danger
  • Presence of food
  • Good holt-building conditions
  • Water! (very impottant)
>> No.432  

Oddly shaped otters
This refers to discussion about otters that aren't traditionally otter-shaped. This is a purely theoretical discussion as none exist as part of the universe. The most notable example is the cubical otter, but others include hyperboloid otters and cylindrical otters.

An otter being oddly-shaped may lead to its hydrodynamic advantage being diminished, although it can be asserted that an oddly-shaped otter would always exist in an oddly-shaped world where its disadvantages would even out.

>> No.433  

Otter propulsion
Otters have many different ways of moving toward their desired location or along a desired vector. An otter's body possesses the necessary equipment for movement in any desired direction: Up, down, left, right, forward or back.
To move up, an otter is able to get up on his hind legs and use these to jump. This can be useful for catching birds.
To move down, an otter's front paws allow him to dig holes. This is used for holt construction.
To move forward, an otter may employ all of his four legs in different walking styles (slow, normal or fast) and combine this with sliding friction on surfaces that allow this.
To move back, in the event of a tactical retreat, otters either use their legs to walk in a backward direction or turn 180 degrees and then walk forward.
There are different situations in which an otter may want to move left or right, when its path vector is being obstructed by things that are in the way. To do this, the otter simply reorients his body to evade the obstruction and then returns to his original path.
When the otter gets to where he wants to go, he will proceed to do what he went there to do. This can be a range of different otter activities: Mating, hunting, taking care of young, or sleeping, among others.

>> No.434  

A hyperotter is simply an otter that exists in 4 or higher dimensions. Simply a generalization of otter in n-dimensional space.
An otter occupying an otter space is the 3-dimensional case of an n-otter occupying n-otter space.

>> No.435  

Layers of otter
An otter possesses different layers both in the physical and philosophical sense.
Physically, an otter's body has two outer layers to protect it from harm and keep it warm: The skin and fur. Below that, additional layers such as nerves, muscles and organs maintain additional essential otter functionality. The OP image displays one of the inner layers of otter.

In a philosophical sense, the discussion of otter layers is similar to the iceberg meme but with an otter instead of an iceberg. When an otter swims only its head pops out of the water, this above-surface level of otter is what most people see when they encounter an otter. The desire to study and explore the lower, more unknown layers of otter until one can define the essential "otterness" is the desire to go below the surface.
Many different people see different things when seeing an otter and categorizing and describing these perspectives becomes part of the discussion of otter layers.

>> No.436  

Otter strechiness
Otter stretchiness is the ability of an otter to stretch. A conventional otter can stretch a fair bit, and this is usually done for relaxation purposes. However, in the field of topology an otter may be stretched to extreme levels, such that it ends up resembling a donut or coffee mug. This leads us back to the discussion on oddly-shaped otters.
Do not attempt this at home because the otter will cease to function when stretched to such levels.

>> No.437  

The "O" factor
See >>410
A deep dive into the deepest philosophical layer of otterness, the ultimate essence of the otter.
Finding and defining the mysterious "O" factor is the main task of this otter mysticism.

>> No.438  

The otter paradox
The otter paradox is the unexpected relationship between the otter's size and its energy. It seems that instead of decreasing with size, the otter's power simply becomes bundled into a smaller area.

>> No.439  

Otter acoustics
Otter acoustics can refer to the way cute otter squeaks travel through the air and into the ears of other otters to alert them to a situation.
It can also refer to the reception of waves underwater by way of the otter's vibrissae, which helps it track its prey as a form of "fish-dar".

>> No.443  

This is all more like otter metaphysics. Maybe we can give this newly discovered science a new name, Lutrology (the study of otters).

>> No.454  

You say than an otter in an otter space is just a 3-dimensional otter occupying a 3-dimensional otter space, but what would be the case of an n+1-otter occupying an n-otter space? I would argue that would be a more exact definition of a hyperotter, as opposed to simply an n+1-otter, as an n+1-otter occupying an n+1-otterspace would simply be a standard otter of standard otter capabilities to an n+1-otterspace.

>> No.460  


>the case of an n+1-otter occupying an n-otter space

I'm pretty sure that's what happened. It would explain a lot. I think that's why the otter gets headaches when it gets stretchy. There just isnt enough otter space yet to accommodate it. It has to generate new otter space at the +1 frequnsee as it stretches, or things get too crunchy.

>> No.466  

I like this topic. Is there an odd shape that would benefit an otter in our world? A spherical otter would have an easier time in barren landscape and possibly in rivers with high currents, with downsides like a harder times to navigate in lush areas, but is there a shape that will just benefit it with no downsides in our world?

Is the current otter shape the best otter shape in our world after all?

>> No.467  
File: 1616504329126.jpg -(169393 B, 800x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters are perfectly shaped just as they are.

>> No.476  

I have to agree with >>467

>Otters are perfectly shaped just as they are.

In any dimension or realm, the Otter will be conformed to the Perfect Shape for that Sphere of Reality. In our 3D world, the 3D Otter represents the perfect fluidity of God-in-Motion as river-dwelling apex carnivore/Olympic cuddler.
Howeevr, if viewed in quantum space, the Otter will indeed be a very different shape: it will conform itself into the most perfect expression of God-in-Motion for that dimension.
Thus, the Otter is always perfectly adapted for maximum beuaty according to its local environment.

>> No.1710  

You get smartier just reading this thread

>> No.3360  
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Otters make more sounds than just their squeaks, I've found. Even just sniffing to find out information about their environment can create otter sounds

>> No.3362  

Those are some very curious otts! I'm always surprised at how fast otters can be on land. I expect them to be fast in water, but I forget they can just be generally speedy.
