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Otterchat is a forum for otter lovers dedicated to the enjoyment of otters. Feel free to start a discussion or ask a question if you're interested in these animals! Please read the FAQ and enjoy your time here.

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File: 1707146122776.gif -(2609225 B, 215x255) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2609225 No.3949   [Reply]
>its real
>> No.3950  
File: 1707169977417.png -(1377724 B, 1000x714) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1705860005505.jpg -(734860 B, 1600x1054) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
734860 No.3917   [Reply]

Hi, how a thread about otters doing things they aren't seeing doing much or is unusual for them? I'll start with an acrobatic climber

>> No.3920  
File: 1705861012911.jpg -(1013281 B, 1067x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Never skimp on UV protection!

>> No.3937  
File: 1706422124652.jpg -(401825 B, 640x1379) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3941  

Lol sounds exactly like a normal D&D session alright!

File: 1631632827482.jpg -(345270 B, 1000x750) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
345270 No.1736   [Reply]

I like fish and otters like fish. What's your favourite fish? I enjoy herring.

16 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.2401  

>>1985 I think stoats and weasels and such are more aggressive chicken chokers than otters are, but I'm sure otters can do it too if they need to

>> No.2507  

Eating fish is very unhealthy for the fish.

>> No.2798  
File: 1657620542440.jpg -(11188 B, 728x410) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

But fish are tasty!

>> No.2801  

They wish they weren't, but they are.

>> No.3940  

I love salmon and mackerel, and I gotta agree that smoked fish is good fish!

File: 1704791903478.png -(1347256 B, 968x931) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1347256 No.3889   [Reply]


4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3897  
File: 1704923289044.jpg -(89242 B, 1080x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why would we do that?

>> No.3904  

not*, not now. Ug, I'm sure an otter would be a better typist than me.

>> No.3906  
File: 1705204984499.jpg -(96013 B, 950x534) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Go on...

>> No.3907  
File: 1705218432289.jpg -(76432 B, 720x960) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3933  

Lol, the site was broken during that and everyone was getting autobanned, it would have been nice to see one or two otters on the catalog though, you guys are always welcome :love:
We should have the site up and running like normal in a few days

File: 1706274315652.png -(78042 B, 256x256) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
78042 No.3931   [Reply]

Come post @ Asukichan.world

>> No.3932  
>open link
>no otters
>close link

File: 1623950255071.png -(1347256 B, 968x931) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1347256 No.1217   [Reply]

ITT Otter face close-ups

57 posts and 42 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3893  
File: 1704845901611.jpg -(33461 B, 323x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3895  
File: 1704858917077.jpg -(88321 B, 1000x665) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

MFW Otterchat. You're all wonderful:love:

>> No.3898  
File: 1704926498592.jpg -(97290 B, 720x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

One of the otters at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park looks like this.

>> No.3908  
File: 1705425988761.png -(6212 B, 225x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's a good lookin otter right there!

>> No.3930  
File: 1705955410272.gif -(3781603 B, 512x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No.1930   [Reply]

We all have a story of how we started to love otters, right?
About three years ago I saw a pair of Asian small clawed otters getting fed at a local wldlife park, I didn't really know what otters were before that and certainly had never seen any (except in anime and a few pictures). As I saw them running around and squeaking, I already had a sense that this was the animal. Later I found out they're not only cute and funny, but actually endangered and very important for the ecosystem. So logically, I had to devote myself to this new love and become their active supporter.
What are you guys' stories? Have you had wondrous enlightening experiences? Or have you just always loved otters?

18 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3401  

I just wanna say it's so nice that we're all here and loving otters so much.

>> No.3750  
File: 1693531630075.jpg -(256222 B, 1169x638) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It really is great. Everyone here is just so great, and otters make everyone into a better person. I'm so happy that I'm here. Even if Otterchan isn't always the most active, it's the nicest and most ottery

>> No.3752  

You're right, it absolutely is the nicest. I was thinking it could potentially be more ottery if actual otters were here, but who know, maybe some of you are otters! The rest of us would never even know

>> No.3753  
File: 1694458079987.jpg -(50377 B, 236x214) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3928  
File: 1705864488396.jpg -(17169 B, 224x346) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Some sweet comments here ^^

I into otters as a kid after having a dream about the otters from Urchin of Mistmantle. I got curious about otters and it just snowballed from there. When I learned about their curiosity and intelligence I KNEW these were my favourite animals, and also they're stinkin' cute ^^

File: 1704927977622.jpg -(52288 B, 720x405) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
52288 No.3899   [Reply]

Otters are not very sexually dimorphic at all. The males look almost identical to the females... apart from that. How can you tell if an otter is a boy or a girl by looking at it? I really want to acquire this skill.

>> No.3900  

By the way, do you also usually call otters "he" by default, until you know? I don't want to call them 'it'. Maybe they should be called otter.

>> No.3902  

I can't really tell the difference, but I struggle with the captcha so I'm not a good example :hiding:

I usually go with singular they when I don't know. I know some people don't like singular they, but "you" is also a plural pronoun that is used in singular form and I think if I insisted people use "thou", the singular version, they'd pop a gasket so it all seems kindof silly to me.

>> No.3927  

Yeah from my experience it's hard to tell between the genders, atleast for me. I suppose the females a bit smaller, but otherwise they seem pretty much the same. I think the males have a bit rougher facial features and broader muzzles, and while I like to believe I can see the difference I doubt I would pass any test! The more obvious clues are ofc the males having their scrotum and the females their teats. Also, female sea otters can sometimes be seen with a scratch on their nose after mating.

File: 1638380192218.jpg -(54708 B, 599x481) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
54708 No.2014   [Reply]

They exist.

>> No.2015  
File: 1638432960846.png -(276197 B, 850x560) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.2016  
File: 1638451334017.png -(665820 B, 850x560) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

A brightest sunshine

>> No.3924  

Wow, albino otters are truly rare! I've seen lots of pics of rudder butts, but I can count on my hand the number of albino otter's I've encountered. I can only imagine how rare they are IRL then!

File: 1616687307543.jpg -(189770 B, 521x750) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
189770 No.515   [Reply]

Post em

31 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3434  
File: 1677924102008.jpg -(146811 B, 1500x1001) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3625  

What do they use them for?

>> No.3909  
File: 1705496502156.jpg -(65980 B, 800x533) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3922  
File: 1705861498760.jpg -(406047 B, 2048x2001) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3923  
File: 1705861703381.jpg -(7086037 B, 4608x3456) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1614446975524.png -(117231 B, 480x368) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
117231 No.155   [Reply]

Toonimals otter episode

30 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3685  
File: 1688030386913.jpg -(95989 B, 1024x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>tfw no colossal otter cryptids
>> No.3741  

>>3542 Is that a screenshot from the show? If so then oh my goodness it looks adorable!
I don't know off the top of my mind where to find it, but I've got a lot of sources I can check to find it. I'll report back within the next couple of days :love:

>> No.3755  
File: 1694739564206.jpg -(44150 B, 700x434) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's from a game, but today I was watching my friend play Genshin and learned they added otters to the game recently! They're super cute.

>> No.3883  
File: 1704579078958.png -(240012 B, 1366x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I spied another game otter! It's just on a poster, but still :marine:

>> No.3918  

So neat to see otter in media, I just wish there were more of them!

File: 1699111735605.jpg -(95768 B, 720x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
95768 No.3794   [Reply]

We work better together.

>> No.3901  
File: 1704960221225.jpg -(555400 B, 1536x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Can-Otter Alliance

>> No.3910  
File: 1705556902146.jpg -(35392 B, 600x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Car-Otter Alliance

>> No.3911  
File: 1705565027894.jpg -(58067 B, 500x674) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ar-Otter Alliance

>> No.3912  

did you make this yourself? It looks good

File: 1624487093851.jpg -(452061 B, 866x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
452061 No.1293   [Reply]

Otters can stand up. ITT post pictures of otters standing up.

25 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3073  

Yeah it's definitely up there. A towering performance that really rises to a high standard

>> No.3084  

A firmly established otter and a pillar of his community

>> No.3886  
File: 1704658266038.jpg -(387789 B, 1438x2044) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3903  

Since otters walk on all fours, would an otter doing curls be considered arm day or leg day?

>> No.3905  
File: 1705007801189.jpg -(589041 B, 2048x1365) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters' forelimbs are sometimes legs and sometimes arms
In this picture he's using them as arms so I'd call it arm day

File: 1702275585660.jpg -(36577 B, 719x540) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
36577 No.3836   [Reply]

I need some otters to cheer me up

4 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3841  
File: 1702540829896.png -(367188 B, 536x596) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3843  
File: 1702820912031.jpg -(671262 B, 2276x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thanks for the otters, I'm feeling a little better

>> No.3878  
File: 1704250597015.jpg -(226703 B, 600x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm glad you're feeling better, I hope this year is a little kinder to you.

>> No.3880  
File: 1704344160484.png -(5106037 B, 1819x2884) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's good to hear. Here's hoping that it can keep on getting a little better as time goes on

>> No.3885  
File: 1704631388359.png -(571577 B, 640x628) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No.3814   [Reply]

hello internet!! its me salem!! salem day was this friday so hopefully you celebrated the best day ever:marine:

>> No.3815  
File: 1699906318555.jpg -(526292 B, 2016x1512) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Every Friday is a good day to celebrate otters! I hope everyone had a great Friday :dance:

>> No.3816  
File: 1699974604588.jpg -(3988586 B, 1707x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This last Friday was a good one, and I certainly felt ottery with the amount of time that I spent in a creek:lol::lol:

>> No.3842  

Story time? What were you doing in the creek? I'm interested :hairynosed:

>> No.3881  

Oh, nothing all to interesting. I was out doing some frisbee golfing with friends, I'd had a bit much to drink, and I fell into a creek that goes through multiple runs. It was really funny at the time, but it's become less so since it happened.

>> No.3882  

Sounds like it was a fun time, and otters are all about having fun afterall, so along with the creek time it was certainly a very ottery day.

File: 1703762240129.png -(32865 B, 1600x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
32865 No.3872   [Reply]

Salutations!, I'm an ornithology guy but I guess otters can be cool

>> No.3873  
>4 toes

not an otter

>> No.3874  

He's trying his best...

File: 1698934757008.jpg -(325317 B, 1000x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
325317 No.3789   [Reply]

We can learn a lot from otters, so do otters have any lessons to teach us about parenting? Otters offer warmth, love and comfort to their young, but they don't hesitate to play rough with them or put them through scary situations as a lesson. What do otter parents get so right that each young otter cub grows up to be an otter?

1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3792  

Yeah that's right, never abandon your kids somewhere they aren't (or don't feel safe)... Mom is always close by and she knows what she's doing, the cub is never really in danger even if he feels it. Otter mums know how to keep that balance.

>> No.3795  
>Along with mothering multiple pups throughout their lifetimes, sea otter moms do it single-handedly. They are truly “single mothers”, with no child support or help with pup-rearing from dad.

This saddens me, the OP pic made me think otters mate and stick together for life.

>> No.3796  

It depends on the species! Sea otters might be mostly solitary, but marine otters mate for life, the otters of Singapore group together in related clans to hunt and raise the little ones together, giant otters and Asian small clawed otters often live in little family groups of the parents and their young. I think those are small clawed otters in the pick, so probably some parenting teamwork goin on there.

>> No.3797  
File: 1699368642580.png -(665806 B, 800x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is reassuring, thank you. Otter pups deserve the best possible life.
Tangent: I am learning so much from this captcha system too.

>> No.3810  

Otter parents know what the best situation is for their pups.

File: 1698966839260.png -(29116 B, 424x262) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
29116 No.3791   [Reply]

Hello Otterchat, I like your imageboard and I run an imageboard myself.
I have just reopened it with a board for animals and cute animals but it lacks any photos of Otters. :southernriver:

Could you please flood my imageboard with photos of Otters.
If you don't want to that is okay. :love:
I apologize in advance if this sort of thread isn't allowed, I couldn't find a rules list.


>> No.3793  
File: 1699027378563.jpg -(116282 B, 1080x1111) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I can definitely go post some otties over there, glad that otterchan is making waves and giving off a good example:giant::dance:

File: 1698666938979.jpg -(22518 B, 480x455) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
22518 No.3787   [Reply]

Important update on 841: she's a mom now! Watch out for double surfboard stealing trouble. :surprised:

>> No.3788  
File: 1698788170625.png -(376430 B, 500x401) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Always a joy to hear about new otters, and this is even better than usual!
Surfers beware, 841 and 841 Jr are on the prowl!

File: 1688004946066.jpg -(96808 B, 550x733) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
96808 No.3684   [Reply]
>ooh, sandals!
>> No.3777  

Can an otter wear sandals, or only flip flops?

No.3773   [Reply]

some freakazoid sent me this site so yeah very cool that theres an entire site for pictures of me!! :comfy:

>> No.3774  


>> No.3775  
File: 1697580545844.gif -(292246 B, 222x126) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Good to have you here

>> No.3776  
File: 1697582758548.jpg -(50326 B, 359x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Paw bumps!

File: 1695588907836.jpg -(77362 B, 1273x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
77362 No.3762   [Reply]

Things you can do with snow:

  1. Eat it
  2. Roll in it
  3. Slide on it
>> No.3770  
File: 1696745124409.jpg -(80018 B, 1400x1400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

#3 seems like the most fun!

File: 1679772532177.png -(868945 B, 3356x2341) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
868945 No.3539   [Reply]

Hello community, I would like to inform you that there is a conservation project in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeastern Brazil. Known as Project Lontra Viva. We have been active since 2011 in favor of the conservation of Lontra longicaudis. The founder and responsible for the project and research is a member of the IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group, Izabela Laurentino, with the support of UFRN and Instituto Biodiversidade (@ibio). For more information contact via IG @projetolontraviva or email: Projetolontraviva@gmail.com.:neotropical:

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3557  

Have you guys got a website?

>> No.3764  

>>3539 In South America we have four species, however in RN there is only a record of the Neotropical Otter, so conservation work is carried out only with this species. More information: www.projetolontraviva.org

>> No.3765  

Link isn't working for me :(

>> No.3767  

This one works for me https://projeto-lontra-viva.negocio.site/

>> No.3768  

Yes, that works! Thank you

File: 1631563194952.jpg -(165943 B, 1054x743) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
165943 No.1714   [Reply]

September 19 to 25 is Sea Otter Awareness Week. Please be aware of sea otters.

40 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3155  

Don't they get dizzy from all that rotation?

>> No.3156  
File: 1669673980258.mp4 -(443953 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think they do eventually, but they can tolerate it for a while. I guess that's why they don't spin for very long.

>> No.3158  
File: 1669675447804.gif -(6120015 B, 498x255) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Spinning is fun, but you gotta be careful.

>> No.3763  
File: 1695733425689.jpg -(100295 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Please be aware of sea otters. Their week has arrived once more:surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised::surprised:

>> No.3766  

I was very aware of sea otters this week, it was a good time. I hope everyone else had a good week too!

File: 1614325786033.jpg -(38892 B, 600x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
38892 No.113   [Reply]

The spotted necked otter (Hydrictis maculicollis) lives in Africa and is more aquatic than other African otters.
I like how these guys always look angry for some reason.

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>> No.3754  

I wonder how hard it is to spot a spotted necked otter who's in his favorite spot?

>> No.3756  

Does a spotted necked otter know that his neck is spotted?

>> No.3757  

Spotted neck otters are excellent spotters, so I think most could spot when they're neck has been spotted. But I'm sure there are some younger otters whose spotting skills are spotty at best, they might not know.

>> No.3758  

If a spotted necked otter's neck is spotted and no one is around to spot it, does it have spots?

>> No.3760  

Well how can it be spotted if no one is around to spot it! Of course the question remains, if you spot the otter but don't spot their spots, are they still spotted?

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