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File: 1613516258627.jpg -(208188 B, 864x576) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
208188 No.26   [Reply]

""Old Mama" was the first mother whose family I studied in detail. From 1986 to 1991, she gave birth to 22 pups. Ol' Mom was a paragon of motherhood, totally dedicated to her young. I've never seen any female of any species work more dutifully to raise her little ones. Old Mama genuinely loved her pups. She cried for days after her lastborn yearling daughter was killed. Subsequently, the old matriarch lost the will to live, and she died of self-imposed starvation in July, 1992."
By J Scott Shannon https://otters.net/pg2.html
What a story. Really shows the strength of motherhood even in animals.

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>> No.1170  
> 22 pups

Quite the busy otter.

>> No.1185  

We're bigger on the inside.

>> No.1195  

So cute

>> No.1196  

>>1195 anon, did you read the post?

>> No.1949  

"An otter's cub was captured and confined in the stableyard of a house near a river where the mother had been hunted during the day. At night, in company with her other cub, she came to the yard and tried to liberate the little captive, but without success. At dawn she withdrew to the river, where she was again hunted, but after several hours’ pursuit managed to escape. Nothing daunted, she returned at nightfall to the yard and once more endeavoured to free her cub, but with no better result than before. It is pleasant to read that after such heroic conduct on the part of the poor beast, the hunter's heart softened and the whelp restored."

  • Article in the Monthly Review (June 1906) by J. C. Tregarthen

File: 1614184727641.jpg -(270487 B, 818x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
270487 No.87   [Reply]

Most zoos are closed due to the pandemic so we haven't been able to visit our otters for a long time. How are you holding up during these tough times?
I really miss my otters. I wanna go back and watch them play around again, it makes me so happy. But I've been deprived of that by this stupid virus for months now.

>> No.91  

I'm fine as long as otters are fine.

>> No.272  

At least we have virtual otters.

>> No.860  

Still holding up okay, just gotta keep on keeping on.

>> No.864  

Hope you feel better otternon.

>> No.1938  

Lonely time still isn't over...

File: 1634218636358.jpg -(107214 B, 720x1017) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
107214 No.1906   [Reply]


>> No.1908  

My favorite literature

>> No.1910  

My kind of review. Thank you, Paul!

>> No.1912  
>IOSF by the numbers
  • 18 Languages available for the IOSF video
  • 21 Number of countries represented at IOSF workshops
  • 28 Years of helping otters worldwide
  • 47 Number of countries where we have helped cubs or injured otters
  • 60+ countries took part in the IOSF Webinar for World Otter Day
  • 64 Number of countries we have supporters
  • 69 Number of countries where we have supported projects
  • 167 Number of cubs or injured otters abroad that we have helped
  • 230 Number of cubs and injured otters we have treated at our Skye hospital
  • 300+ people signed up for the IOSF Webinar for World Otter Day
  • 139,000+ supporters worldwide

Loving this. Very strong Otter numbers.

>> No.1926  


>139,000+ supporters

But my lord, there is no such force!

>> No.1929  

A vigorous force of determined people around the globe. This is our time.

File: 1616978612156.jpg -(46026 B, 451x343) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
46026 No.606   [Reply]

What is the difference between humans and otters?

>> No.647  

Otters are more buoyant.

>> No.707  

Human's faces are longer

>> No.708  

Otters sound better

>> No.749  

Ain't that the truth!

>> No.1876  

Otters are cuter and cooler. They know what the purpose of the life is, while we wander aimlessly.

File: 1620936065793.jpg -(172760 B, 960x719) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
172760 No.891   [Reply]

The otter and the binturong.

2 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.932  
File: 1621373198236.jpg -(28077 B, 600x406) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey mate, what's happening? It's binturong since I last saw you!

>> No.935  

I feel like Sea Otters as a species would be the type of otters that would just make the worst puns, but everyone would still laugh at their jokes.

>> No.1069  

Funny otters make you laugh always

>> No.1083  

>>893 Otties are always friends.

>> No.1864  
File: 1632598656205.png -(4160480 B, 1280x1904) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I really like binturongs. I don't know what it is about them, somehow they are just hypnotizing...

File: 1629987033949.png -(2624122 B, 1349x968) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2624122 No.1553   [Reply]

Hey otternons! What do you think of the MarineMammalRescue channel on Twitch?

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>> No.1628  

Good stuff. The world can always use more avenues to view otters

>> No.1629  


>light particles going into your eyes that have been reflected by an otter

It feels so good...

>> No.1632  

I would like it if I liked twitch. But I don't. I like the discord tho.

>> No.1633  

Me tooooo.
Wish it had a live audio chat with the otts tho.
Bet they make cute noises and great asmr.

>> No.1680  
File: 1631541568747.png -(2157521 B, 1336x749) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm still trying to recognize and guess who is who.

Actually! Nevermind! They added a plugin thingy that show badges of the otters and their info when you hover over one. That's so cool!

File: 1629793798180.jpg -(35754 B, 400x416) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
35754 No.1525   [Reply]

What do you like about hairy nosed otters? I like their hairy noses.

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>> No.1586  

That too ;)

>> No.1610  

What does it mean to "get" an otter? To get as in to understand?

>> No.1611  

Great q, otternon.
Can anyone truly understand an Otter?
Otters remain hopeful, but still lack concrete evidence.

>> No.1664  

There's no way to physically "get" an otter, because even if you capture it, its spirit will remain free.

>> No.1676  

This truly is the hope of the world.

File: 1624487044860.jpg -(1784677 B, 2390x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1784677 No.1292   [Reply]

Sometimes otter gets itchy.

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>> No.1352  

What could that be? Nothing makes it past an otters fur.

>> No.1592  

Ticks or other parasites. Wild otters are full of them.

>> No.1595  

Someone's gotta debug those otts then.
The whole lotta them.

>> No.1627  

Otters are resilient. Theyre used to it.

>> No.1630  

Resilient mammals.

File: 1616685792732.jpg -(33152 B, 367x223) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
33152 No.506   [Reply]

<- Otter food processing. This is where otters turn their prey into power.

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>> No.806  

>>670 An otter is a machine that turns fish into fun

>> No.820  

Otters really are a miracle of nature!

The finest machine in the world as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.1071  

When otter sees a food, it will grab it with its mouth and then destroy it into pieces.

>> No.1557  

The food then gets turned into otter power so the otter can get more food.

>> No.1564  


>otter power

ThunderOtts Are Go!!!

File: 1629670095639.jpg -(37641 B, 600x443) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
37641 No.1517   [Reply]

I've got a weasel here, comrades. Are they our allies or not?

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>> No.1519  

Weesels are friends. Don't know why anyone would portray them as evil.

>> No.1520  

Weasels are just dry otters

>> No.1521  

>>1520 Too dry. Can you really trust a dry animal?

>> No.1522  

>>1517 Don't put a gun so close to a weasel, it's dangerous.

>> No.1523  

Depends on the weasel.
Any tiny creature that can rip out the throat of its enemies and scare off predators many times its size is one you would probably prefer to have as an ally, no?
The question is, can the weasel you've cornered be trusted?
Only time will tell.

File: 1629482498947.jpg -(74317 B, 710x474) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
74317 No.1503   [Reply]

I feel a Second Spring coming on.
Otters aren't ready for summer to be over.
I think otters are going to make it Spring again, all over the world cause they want to keep splashing in the water while it's really really HOT

>> No.1504  
File: 1629491313318.jpg -(944641 B, 2561x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What do you mean? Otters flourish in all seasons. They like Autumn because they can play with leaves. And use them as fancy hats.

>> No.1505  

Otters KNOW there are greater seasons and cycles and THIS IS ONE
Any otter could tell you: this is not a time for fallen leaves.
This is a time to SPLASH something new into existence and SPRING into a news cycle.

File: 1629027179059.png -(144066 B, 788x463) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
144066 No.1471   [Reply]

Afghanistan is otter country. Will the taliban be nice to them?

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>> No.1479  

The answer to that is most certainly not.
Otters see a threat to their environment, they take it out.
Apex predators don't tolerate no upstart competition.

>> No.1480  

Are they really a threat though? That was the original question

>> No.1484  

Sometimes the original question is not the real question.
Regardless, the reality is this:
To the extent that the Taliban are nice to their otters, the Taliban will continue to exist. To the extent that they are not nice to otters, they will cease to exist. The choice is theirs.

>> No.1485  


>> No.1494  

Survival of the ottest

No.1489   [Reply]


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No.1490  

Omg this is the BEST!!!

>> No.1491  

yeah it's cool! try it yourself :)

>> No.1492  


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No.1493  


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

File: 1625240896214.jpg -(34317 B, 720x479) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
34317 No.1360   [Reply]

Steppin on the beach

>> No.1458  

What do sea otters do on the beach?

>> No.1459  

Based on the pic I'd say, boogie.

>> No.1462  

They step, they slip, they stir, they sit.

File: 1619360002435.jpg -(225092 B, 614x529) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
225092 No.807   [Reply]

My fine fellows,

our annual otter movie night is to return at the end of next month, God willing. We shall enjoy a rewatch of the classic otter film Ring of Bright Water along with perhaps some fun educational otter videos.

We meet on May 26th at 9PM CET at our usual location: https://cytu.be/r/ottercine

Make sure to tell your friends. Looking forward to a good time!

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>> No.1027  

Is it possible to go back and look at an archived version of the stream?

>> No.1028  

>>1027 Uhh, I don't believe that exists.

>> No.1030  

Exactly, so I don’t think that you could go back and look at the documentaries posted in the chat . Right?

>> No.1031  

>>1027 >>1028 >>1030
I guess you can never step in the same Ottercine twice.
We'll just have to do it all over again.

>> No.1388  

>>1002 Yep. I watch otter movies for the plot.

File: 1614218874545.jpg -(1169478 B, 2692x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1169478 No.94   [Reply]

Asian short clawed otters are so small and pudgy. Compare that to Eurasian otters with their muscular, well-proportioned bodies.
How do you explain this?

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>> No.134  
File: 1614348532316.jpg -(1183209 B, 2524x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You still gotta love their chubby round faces.

>> No.177  
File: 1614459429926.jpg -(505288 B, 1549x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Definitely. They are the most widespread otter species for a reason.

>> No.305  

Greatest empire in history.

>> No.869  

Eurasian otters are lone otters, they have to be strong in their own. Meanwhile Asian Small Clawed Otters live in groups and so they can rely on each other more.

>> No.1385  
File: 1625936738032.jpg -(656393 B, 2173x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Good old Strength in Numbers.

File: 1623950414652.jpg -(427324 B, 1219x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
427324 No.1222   [Reply]

I want to break free

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>> No.1268  
File: 1624272857410.jpg -(285687 B, 1200x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1269  

All otts are dangerous if you make them angry.
Hot tip: don't make an otter angry!

>> No.1295  
File: 1624487232949.jpg -(390996 B, 1138x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1296  
File: 1624487250128.jpg -(660377 B, 2561x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.1313  
File: 1624555767835.jpg -(817407 B, 2289x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1623586815482.jpg -(8526 B, 225x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
8526 No.1163   [Reply]
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>> No.1191  

>>1190 Yep, looks like otters to me.

>> No.1205  

I can say with 70% certainty that those are indeed otters, though one of them looks something like soup

>> No.1206  

Oh, those ones are quite rare actually. Soup otters. Most otters prefer wild habitats, but soup otters prefer to play and hunt in soup, rather than rivers. A bit like glamping, maybe?

>> No.1211  

>>1206 So instead of hunting in the water, they simply eat the water?


>> No.1212  

Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Otters are the wisest hunters.

File: 1616979579907.jpg -(141709 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
141709 No.611   [Reply]

Otters really know how to snug each other.
Post Big Otts and Little Otts being cute and snuggly.
The world could use some love.

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>> No.667  
File: 1617283414631.jpg -(210227 B, 600x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Big Otts snuggling Big Otts
Big Otts snuggling Little Otts
Little Otts snuggling Little Otts
All of these are OK.

>> No.1151  
File: 1623532951560.jpg -(786988 B, 2134x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1156  




>> No.1160  
File: 1623559917555.jpg -(303350 B, 1024x683) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.1161  

There's no love like an otter for an otter.

File: 1616868650110.jpg -(41045 B, 480x361) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
41045 No.586   [Reply]

How do I profit from otters?

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>> No.609  


>As in, how do I predict the future using the power of otters, or how do I predict where otters will be so that I can be around them?

I find the two faculties to be related. The more in tune you are with the otter, the more you will sense its presence, and also the more you will unlock its advanced understanding of reality, and so gain glimpses into the future. That's how it's always worked for me, anyway.

>>595 The closer the better.
Full body snuggles would ensure max profetability, I imagine.

>> No.621  

>>609 Otter knows not to fall for clairvoyant scams. That's how Otter has so much money.

>> No.693  


>Full body snuggles would ensure max profetability, I imagine.

But otters don't always like being touched. In fact for them it's better to keep a distance.

>> No.702  

>>693 Well, it entirely depends on the relationship between the otter and the wannabe snuggler, doesn't it?
If there's one thing this image board proves, it's how happy otters look when they're getting cuddly with their otter-friends.
Obviously, as extremely discerning creatures, otters do not permit themselves to be touched by just anyone.

>> No.1149  

Train otters to catch you fish, then sell it.

File: 1616689011001.jpg -(104541 B, 1024x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
104541 No.522   [Reply]
>How can I help otters?
>The first thing you may ask yourself after learning about otters is how you can help them. 12 out of 13 otter species in the world are in danger of extinction. Thankfully, many different organisations around the world are dedicated to conserving and caring for otters.

You fellas doing your part?

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>> No.527  
File: 1616691749964.jpg -(51977 B, 564x498) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>525 The three Rs of recycling! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Reduce your consumption of disposable items (at least to a degree)
Reuse anything you can. plastic bread bags for examples.
and recycle anything you can. (of course)
Selfish acts, but good acts. And the most I can do for now.

>There's a big ol list on the home page

Oh! I didn't see it! Thanks anon!

>> No.529  

>>527 Very good tips otteranon. Let's hope it will make a bit less of our trash end up in Otterland.

>> No.868  

Otterchan itself helps otters. Because people come here not knowing about otters, and after they come here, they know about otters. We transmit otter knowledge.

>> No.871  

Love the pic!

>> No.1147  

This site has found its purpose in the world.

File: 1623443857152.jpg -(153239 B, 1024x680) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
153239 No.1117   [Reply]

Livin' on the edge.

>> No.1134  
File: 1623448338186.jpg -(1189647 B, 2701x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Captcha: paw
>> No.1137  
File: 1623451186652.jpg -(125473 B, 900x643) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

fast ott

File: 1614213600429.jpg -(742033 B, 2048x1365) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
742033 No.92   [Reply]

I don't just like otters because they're cute. Lots of things are cute. Otters are more than that. Things like cuteness and beauty only touch the eyes. Otters however, touch your heart. There's just something about them that I can't describe, it's as if they are life in its purest form. It's as if if you opened a dictionary to look up the definition of "life", you could just find a picture of otters.

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>> No.464  

This is the case except in quantum otters which can have multiple states at the same time.

>> No.465  

>>464 I do suppose quantum physics can explain otters very well

>> No.477  

Thats when it gets really good

>> No.478  

It was only when I took a deep dive into Quantum physics that I truly began to understand otters and what makes them so special.

>> No.1072  

Please share your discoveries with us otter anon.

File: 1622617593748.jpg -(92053 B, 720x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
92053 No.1032   [Reply]

Did you know otters rape their babies? I thought it was interesting

>> No.1033  

>>1032 Do you have a source for your claim?

>> No.1034  

>>1033 ı'm just joking kek

>> No.1035  

If otters do that, does that mean it's actually a cool and fun thing to do?

>> No.1036  

Of course they don't rape their own babies! That would be terrible. They only rape the babies of other species.

>> No.1037  

>>1032 A smear campaign against otters on their very own chan? Surely not. Careful, anon. Otters may be passionate about free speech, but cross that RED line and find out what 'apex predator' really means.

File: 1622030321149.png -(20350 B, 280x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
20350 No.979   [Reply]

How are you otternons celebrating?

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>> No.987  

Well, you have to be able to catch those big fish somehow!

>> No.988  

Otters are filter feeders now?

>> No.1004  

That is so cute! Great collection.
Between Ottercine 2021 and those otter plushies, this is my best World Otter Day yet!
Thanks for sharing it, Otternons.

>> No.1006  
File: 1622119411759.jpg -(346804 B, 1280x960) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sure. Here's what I put together last year.

>> No.1007  
File: 1622119854431.jpg -(1415818 B, 3352x2092) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And this one is from 2019. It seems like I forgot in 2018 though. I also made anime otter collages, see >>991 for 2017 and >>992 for 2019.

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